Amuri Studio

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We are a board game retailer based in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Japan. Currently, we offer our customers a catalogue of over 400 different English language board game. A full list of the games we offer is shown below. 

If you would like to purchase from us please contact us on facebook, Twitter/X or using the email below:

当店は東京新宿に拠点を置くボードゲームショップです。400タイトル を超える英語版のボードゲームを提供しています。販売ゲームのリストはこのページの下の方にありますので、チェックしてください。 

弊社からのご購入をご希望の場合は、X(Twitter), Facebookまたは以下のメールアドレスにご連絡ください。



▶e-mail: [at]

Amuri Pre-Order Request. If you would like to pre-order some games for our next import (likely arriving in late March to mid-April), please fill in the form below.

次回の輸入数量を把握するため、 以下のアンケートへのご協力をお願い申し上げます。

Location (位置)

Address (住所): Ookubo 1-4-25, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0072

Nearest stations (最寄りの駅): 

-Metro Fukutoshin, Oedo line Higashi-Shinjuku (1 min walk) 

-JR Yamanote line Shin-Ookubo (9 min walk) 

-JR Shinjuku (15 min walk) 

-Seibu Shinjuku  (13 min walk) 

We DO NOT open regular hours. Below is a photograph of what the entrance looks like. Look for the small logo on the side of the door. Should the door be closed, please ring the bell or just open the door.


当店は不定期でオープンします。オープンスケジュールの確認はX(Twitter), FBまたはメールでお問い合わせください。

Entrance to our shop

Logo on the side window

Opening Hours (営業時間)

We currently do not operate normal shop hours. 



21st February (Friday) 19:00-21:30

22nd February (Saturday) 11:00-16:00

More information about our events, opening times, etc, can be found on our Facebook page:

Requesting an appointment to visit outside of normal opening (訪問の予約をする )

If you are interested in coming to see what we have, but cannot make any of the dates and times given above, please just contact us through the gmail email address given at the top of the page, or by facebook.

We live on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the building, so if we are at home it is relatively easy for us to open. However, both of us work different jobs, so some flexibility might be necessary so that we can try to find a mutually convenient time.  



Game list (ゲームリスト)

Note that the items in gray are currently out of stock. 
